Arts and Letters
The Nassau Alumnae Chapter Arts and Letters committee strives to proudly advance the black experience by showcasing the artistic contributions of African Americans in the past, present and future- elevating them to public attention through the medium of music, dance, theatre and poetry.
Our initiatives are aligned with those of the National Commission on Arts and Letters, and the Eastern Region’s Arts in Action and Dreamworks initiatives. Our overarching goal is to ensure that the people in our communities have opportunities to participate and be exposed to projects, events and activities designed to acknowledge and highlight the contributions of African Americans in various art forms. This is accomplished through organizing and highlighting collective events and activities in various genres, as well by promoting respectful and positive representation and depiction of African Americans in the media and the arts.
2016: Eastern Regional Conference- Pittsburgh, PA
Collegiate Transition Taskforce Award
2017: 53rd National Convention- Las Vegas, Nevada
National Social Action Award;
National Risk Management Award;
Third Place-Heritage and Archives Certificate;
Runner up for the Regional International Awareness and Involvement Award;
Runner up for Alumnae Soror of the Year (Pamela G. Washington-Parkes); and
2 of our resolutions were adopted
Eastern Regional Conference-Hartford, CT - Exemplary Economic Development Award